A) Distribution of Correspondence
• Envelopes, inserts, etc. TO 5
• Envelopes, inserts, etc. A4
includes distribution in Lima and Callao with charge of acknowledgment, combining, labeling, bagging, final report with detail 04 days, daily reports, pick up service of postal items, does not include IGV
B) Distribution of Freighted Flyers

• Envelopes, inserts, etc. up to A5
• Envelopes, inserts, etc. A4
Includes distribution in Lima and Callao without charge under the door, collating, labeling, bagging, final report with details of deliveries up to 5% for supervision, service of 04 days, daily reports, pick up service for postal items, does not include the IGV
C) Distribution of Simple Flywheels
• Envelopes, inserts, etc. up to A5
• Envelopes, inserts, etc. up to A5
• Envelopes, inserts, etc. up to A4
Includes distribution in Lima and Callao without charge under the door, final report with details of streets and addresses given to 100% for supervision, service of 04 days, daily reports, service of collecting postal items, does not include IGV
D) Distribution of Magazines and Catalogs
• Up to 200 grs.
Includes distribution in Lima and Callao with charge of acknowledgment, combining, labeling, bagging, final report with details of reasons of return and deliveries, service of 04 days, daily reports, magazines collection service or catalogs, does not include IGV